Friday, April 22, 2011

#7 - Stop drinking liquid while eating food please, here's why....

Oh yes, this is such an easy step yet we all grew up drinking water or milk or soda or juice while eating our food. 

Believe it or not, by drinking any fluid while we eat, we are stopping the body’s ability to use it’s natural enzymes to break down the food and transport the nutrients to the rest of our body. 

So in essence, we’ve basically “washed away” the nutrients by drinking while eating.  So, try to drink 15-20 min. (ideally, 30 min.) before or after the meal, but not during!  

This takes some adjustment and a bit of mind over matter, but before you know it, you will be doing it without thinking.  And the myth that we need liquid to wash down our food is just that, a myth.  The mouth will secrete juices and the body will kick the enzymes in gear to digest the food if you just give it a chance to.  This little shift in mindset can make a HUGE difference to your body.  The catch is, we still need to find the time to drink the proper amount of water for our bodies every day and plan around the time frame of when we eat, but with a little "E" for effort, we can do it and see a big change in how our body works!  You can check out my post #5 to see how you can calculate how much water you should be drinking daily for your body weight.

Since I always like to give you info. that backs up what I am sharing, take it for checking by reading this article on why drinking while eating is not good for our bodies:

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