I originally wrote this post a couple months after the huge Fukushima radiation spill. Of course, that raised great concern about eating fish that could be contaminated with radiation and, how long will the radition continue to be present in the water, the fish, etc? Do we have other choices on how to chelate or detoxify the radiation and still enjoy fish? It's up to you to decide if you feel you should omit fish or not.
Here's some links on chelating/detoxifying radiation by eating various sea vegetables/plants (nori, kombu (kelp), hijiki, arame dulse):
When I wrote this blog initially, I was quite biased against fish, but let's not forget, they are an amazing source of natural Omega 3s! Here's some links that tell you more about the benefits of Omega 3s in fish:
Here are my initial thoughts about fish after Fukushima (don't forget, Chernobyl is still showing the long term side effects of radiation over THREE decades later... food for thought).
But first, here's a few links to compare Fukushima vs. Chernobyl vs. Three Mile Island:
Ok, so back to deciding if fish (which is now probably all radiated from the Fukushima spill) is worth the risk or not. When I initially wrote this blog (only a couple months after Fukushima) I was adamantly against eating any more fish (so you can decide if what I've shared below is enough to make you choose to omit fish from your diet OR simply lower the amount you intake (say once a week). Either way, consider the great importance of Omega 3s in our diet.... so if you do decide fish is not for you, make sure you ARE using an appropriate "Omega 3 supplement" to replace what you are missing in your diet.
BELOW ARE THE INITIAL THOUGHTS I SHARED RIGHT AFTER FUKUSHIMA, you decide what you believe is best for you or rings true to you!!!
The FDA & USDA have done nothing to take action against contaminated fish from the radioactive fluids pouring into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima & that have spread all over the globe thru rainfall & still are.
Japan has finally raised the radioactive rating to 7, the worst there is AND admit that this IS as bad as Chernobyl (which 25 yrs later we are still paying for). No amount of fish is worth the risk & no one is going to be honest where the fish came from, which is a mute point anyway since Fukushima's radioactivity is spewing everywhere & we're all connected to that ocean. I'd rather you have an occasional small piece of an organic chicken than touch ANY fish, sorry, but of course, I leave this up to your own educated decision.
Keep in mind that decades later we are still finding out that more people have cancer today due to Chernobyl's radioactive mishap 25 years ago and those are not all people that lived in the immediate vicinity. So, while no one will concretely tell us today that fish in the Pacific Ocean were/are directly effected by Fukushima's spill into that ocean, I say, we have to put on our thinking caps and use our common sense on this one. How is it possible that the fish and the sea vegetables are not effected?
Here's a great article from NaturalNews.com that confirms what I stated above and should really make you think: http://www.naturalnews.com/031978_radioactive_water_Japan.html
And here's a great blog about the same topic: http://suzieqq.wordpress.com/2011/04/02/fukushima-highly-radioactive-water-has-spilled-into-the-pacific-ocean/
Ok, here's a great, short article that specifically talks about the fish being contaminated (hello): http://www.spilltalk.com/node/25077
Hope that gives you food for thought about eating any fish or sea vegetables for a long time going forward. That includes sushi, of course. Big time boo-hoo, cuz I admit, I LOVE sushi, but I just won't eat it anymore. What a worldwide catostrophe this has turned into. So, sooo sad! It was bad enough Japan got it with 2 massive earthquakes and a horrendous tsunami, but to also have such a monumental catostrophe as Fukushima on their conscious is truly sad indeed.
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