Friday, April 22, 2011

#10 - Take the 30 DAY CHALLENGE to omit dairy from your diet!!!

Can you take a 30 day challenge and try cutting out DAIRY from your diet (or forever, if you’re daring)!  Scroll to the bottom of the page for many options of "dairy substitutes" that you will LOVE and, you might actually learn to never miss dairy again.  :)

Let's talk about hormones, hormones, hormones… not only the ones the cow naturally produces but the 16+ different variations the USDA has approved to pump into the cow to fatten her up so she can give us more milk and beef (did you know that the US approves the Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) injected in many cows, which is banned in Europe and Canada!).  I've included a link below that tells you all about it.

Did you know that if you simply cut dairy alone from your diet you could lose between 15-20 lbs. over the course of the year?  Why?  Cuz it’s pumped full of hormones!  Not to mention, cow’s milk was intended to help a baby calf grow to one ton in size in one year or less and we wonder why this nation is the most obese in the world.  It makes sense to give cow’s milk to a child that is still growing, but once we passed that stage we should have gotten over the “Got Milk?” phenomenon! 

If you, like billions of people around the globe, believe that milk/dairy is a necessity in our diet for Calcium, Vitamin D and/or to help "prevent Osteoporosis"..... well, I urge you to check out the following 2 links and, at bare minimum, really take some time to mull over the article from Dr. Kradjian!

If you are DARING enough to be open minded to forming your own opinions, then I urge you to take the time to thoroughly read this "milk letter" by Dr. Kradjian that dispells all the myths on why dairy is allegedly "good for us".  It's lengthy, but it will REALLY OPEN YOUR EYES!!! 

This great website has a million (I'm exaggerating of course) links on why we are sold a bill of goods by the "Got Milk" campaign.  Educate yourself on why we should avoid dairy in our daily diets at all costs by spending some time clicking on the various links on this website:

Still not convinced, check out the article below about BGH hormone I previously mentioned.  The website has some videos in it and also talks about “genetically modified foods ("GMOs").  We all need and have the RIGHT TO KNOW THE TRUTH, I’m just spreading that wealth.  You can choose to believe me or “take it for checking” and do your own research as well and figure out what truth works for you.  

Here's the link to the article re BGH and other hormones pumped in our cows (don't forget to watch the 2 videos re GMO foods):  

Unfortunately, our bodies were not intended to process all those hormones.  The good news is, there are MANY choices that still allow you to enjoy NON-DAIRY forms of milk, butter, cheese, yogurt and ice cream (keep scrolling down for my list of some of the many options out there).

BTW, here's one last link re a MD’s article on 6 reasons to avoid dairy:

TIP:  There are a gazillion substitute choices for milk, butter, cheese and even ice cream at your local Whole Foods (“WF”).  

Here's a few options to get you started (there are many more, just be open minded to experimenting)....

MILK SUBSTITUTES:  Try Almond Milk or Rice Milk as a nice milk substitute (skip the “Silk” brand or any “soy” variations as soy is a whole other topic of controversy…. it would be great if soy weren’t made here in the US, but since we live here and the way it’s processed is not very good for us, omit the soy or have very little of it, if possible). 

BUTTER SUBSTITUTES: Try a vegetable spread for your butter needs (make sure you read the label to check there’s no dairy in there).  There are even “butter sticks” you can find that are made of vegetable oils instead of diary.  Most of them taste great!!!!  Just experiment with the different brands.  But make sure you’re buying something made with vegetable oil not some manmade “margarine” that is even worse for our bodies than butter that comes from dairy.  I like the "Earth Balance" brand which has about 3-4 different options, each omitting a little more than the other.  I opt for the soy free option, but I admit the one with soy is a bit more buttery.

CHEESE SUBSTITUTES:  As for cheese, hmmmm, there are some great “almond cheese” choices at WF, my favorite being “almond jalapeno cheese” or "cheddar" but there’s mozzarella and others as well.  Dare to try a few different ones and see which one you might actually like.  ;)

ICE CREAM SUBSTITUTES:  And for ice cream, try a “coconut milk” based ice cream.  Yum, yum, yum…. my favorite is the “So Delicious” brand chocolate flavored (coconut milk) ice cream

YOGURT SUBSTITUTESAnd guess what, "So Delicious" now makes yogurt from coconut milk as well (I found many flavors at WF) and it truly is soooooooooo delicious!  Why not try some?

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you cut dairy out of your diet and that was the main source of your "calcium or Vitamin D", you should make sure that you are eating other foods that will give you the calcium and Vitamin D that your body needs.  Of course you can Google "how to get calcium in my diet without eating dairy" or something along those lines.

To give you a head start, check out this great article I found that has a chart of natural, non-diary foods you can eat that are full of calcium:

BTW, my next post will be on how to get Vitamin D the good old fashioned way.... through SUNSHINE and the bill of goods we've been sold on sunblock and the "sun being bad for us."  Why is it we're constantly lied to?  Oh yeah, I forgot.... for THEIR PROFIT!!!

1 comment:

  1. First of all thanks for this informative piece on dairy! I think milk is not a good thing. I stopped drinking milk 10 years ago but continued eating cheese (like on a daily basis) creamy sauces, ice cream, etc. In July I gave up cheese and all dairy products. I loved cheese and I thought I would never be able to do this but it really wasn't that hard. I did this more our of principle than necessity. I am not lactose intolerant but I have read enough to know that certain diseases, particularly cancers, are greater in societies which consume dairy products. I also think raising cattle is a great problem. The amount of land and food necessary just doesn't make sense plus now these animals get fed corn cause it's cheaper and that's just wrong! The milk is loaded with hormones as the cows are milked while pregnant and again this is just wrong. Furthermore these animals are usually living in pretty inhumane circumstances and I just don't want to be part of that. So no dairy for me! And yes no meat either.
