Friday, April 22, 2011

#6 - FIND A SPRING near you & get FREE water!!!!

Here’s a GREAT article that explains all the DIFFERENT WATER CHOICES WE HAVE, so we can understand in layman terms how they are processed and/or made available to us:

Then, as the article suggests, go to this website to find springs near you that you can go to and get FREE SPRING water and take it home with you:
At first I was a little confused about how to use the “Find A Spring” website, but it’s quite easy.  Simply use the plus button to enlarge the map and then manuever with the arrows whatever direction you need to find the spring(s) nearest you.  Once you find one, click on the thumptack on the map and then click on “see full listing” and it will tell you the closest coordinates that help you find this spring!  WATER FOR FREE that is HEALTHY FOR YOU, go figure!  But as the website says, check the water before using it.  I suggest Googling that specific spring to see if anyone has posted anything about it.  Or, get a PH testing kit and do a little research on how you test water and what you need to know to know if it is healthy or not.  Sure, a little effort upfront, but wouldn’t you love an “E” for effort when your vitalicizing (yes, just made up my own word) your body while properly hydrating it with water that actually is good for you and does what water should do for your body!!!!

Can you believe it?  And here we are spending all this money on "bottled water" and of course, sold a bill of goods that it's "good for us" when really, the plastic it's been bottled in is BAD, bad, bad for us.... and yet, we could get our own GLASS jugs and thake them to a SPRING near by and get WATER FOR FREE!!! (I go once every 2 weeks and pump 10 gallons of water into my two 5-gallon jugs..... free, delicious, clean, metal-free, flouride-free HEALTHY WATER)!!!

What a great way to hydrate our bodies with one of five most important things we need to survive: water, air, minerals, sun and food!!!

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