Saturday, October 22, 2011

#23 - Benefits of Hemp Seeds & other GREAT sources of PROTEIN

If you're vegeterian, vegan or raw and are looking for a great source of "protein", hemp seeds (aka hemp hearts) is a great source! 

Here's some great links on why hemp seeds are so good for us and why they are a "complete protein resource":

Here's a link to the ones I personally purchase - there are many other sources online as well, but I trust this one because my "homeopath" carries it in his office and I know anything he carries, he has thoroughly researched the product and manufacturer and I can be assured that it is THE BEST OF THE BEST (also try your local WF to see if they carry them): - Ok, well, I did not find the "purchase" info. on their website, but they have lots of great info. about the product there, so check it out, but in the interim, to purchase email: OR call: (403) 380-1958.

For MORE great sources of protein, also try adding the following to your diet:

1) chia seeds (you make them into a "chia jell" to use in your "super smoothie" - check out my blog #14 on a great "super smoothie recipe" and how to make chia jell.... super easy),

2) spirulina (contains THE highest amount of digestible protein per serving ON THIS PLANET.... oh yeah, you heard me, it takes the cake over "meat" (meat only offers 20% of protein per serving, btw).......... we've been brain-washed to believe that meat is our only source of protein when there are so many other sources) - Spirulina offers 60-65% protein PER serving!!! - Check out my blog #22 for more info. on a great "spirulina supplement".

3) chorella (contains the 2nd highest amount of digestible protein per serving on this planet).  Chorella offers 55-60% protein PER serving!!! - Check out my blog #22 for more info. on a great "chorella supplement".

4) nuts and/or seeds

5) dark leafy greens (collard greens, chard, kale, spinach are all great sources)

6) sprouts (all kinds, they are an amazing source of protein)

I strongly suggest you invest in a "spirulina supplement" and/or "chorella supplement" if you are on a "raw, vegan or vegeterian" diet........... this will give you the optimal amount of digestible protein without turning to meat AND.............

IF YOU ARE ANEMIC, these amazing supplements (Spirulina & Chorella) should really help you, as they have helped me (and I've battled Anemia for 8 years now (since 2003) and no "iron supplements" that MDs prescribed helped (they just made my constipated), then my homeopath got me on these supplements and it was night and day what it does for my energy.  Check out my blog #22 for more info. on which products I suggest and why!

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