Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#30 FALSE ADVERTISEMENT - 3,200 ads hit us PER DAY!

Did you know that the majority of what we are "sold" in mainstream advertising is false, false, false or at the very least, extremely exaggerated???  Yup!  Basically, if you are willing to realize that whatever they are selling us is usually the exact opposite of the truth, then you can probably protect yourself, your health and stop wasting money on the items they are brainwashing us to buy.

Just yesterday (5/15/12), I found out that the average American is exposed to over 3,200 pieces of advertisement EVERY SINGLE DAY!  Oh yeah, everything from subliminal to in your face!  Whether you realize it or not, or acknowledge the effects of the advertisements on us and our decisions, it's a fact, we are BOMBARDED with them every day!  And trust me, the advertising/marketing gurus out their are NOT paid to look out for OUR best interests, they're paid to look out for THEIR (the company/business)'s best interest!

Check it out, below are examples of things we have been repeatedly told by mainstream advertisement (think about whether you buy into these beliefs and agree with these statements???)


Prescription drugs are necessary for x, y, z
Arch supports help our feet
Tap water is safe
Flouride is good for us (in our water and our toothpaste)

GMO's are not dangerous so there's no need to label them (yet other countries are demanding they are labeled)

MSG is not bad for us
Hydrogenated oils are not bad for us
Organic food is not any better for us than non-organic

Bovine growth hormone is not bad for us (this is the hormone they pump in cow's which is illegal in other countries)

Raw milk/cheese is bad for us

Pasturized and homogonized milk/cheese is good for us and necessary for us

Etc, etc.... believe the OPPOSITE of everything above, and you'll be right!  But if you buy into their trap that everything they say is true, just cuz they say so (no matter what industry it is), then you are trapped. 

Check out this great article on the 7 ways that advertisements are lying to us:

We have to think outside the box and we need to realize that we are being brainwashed on a daily basis whether or not we realize it- remember, that's 3,200+ ads a day we are hit with).  Shish! 


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