Here's a link to the Winter Wellness seminar - if you'd like to check out other webinars they are offering:
Mondays - BODY: Specific ways to enhance the well-being of your physical body.
Tuesdays - MIND: Insights, research and tools to activate and enhance the Mind/Body connection.
Wednesdays - HEART: How to create deep, nurturing relationships - which profoundly impacts your overall wellness.
Thursdays - SOUL: Exploring how to deepen your connection to the larger source of your true well-being.
The webinar casts are live and are accessible by a recorded link for 7 days after each recording.I just went in today to listen to my very first recorded webinar. Admittedly, I forgot all about checking this amazing information out, until a topic that effects me directly (and in fact, effects ALL humans on this planet today) came up - HORMONES and the ESTROGEN DOMINANCE in our environment due to the 77,000 chemicals that have been dumped into our environment since the 1940s.
And who was the speaker......... my new favorite guru (who happens to be my current homeopathic-guru, Dr. Robert Selig's favorite guru as well), David Wolfe! I saw him live last weekend in Long Beach and the "Mega Conference for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition". I even got a chance to talk to David one-on-one for a brief moment and we shook hands. His knowledge is phenomenal!
So, today I went into this last week's recordings of webinars to find David's webinar on: "Creating a Defense Shield by what we eat" AND "How to Block BAD ESTROGEN naturally with super foods and super herbs (no supplements necessary - although he does mention a couple supplements he thinks are good).
Obviously, no one is going to go overboard and get all of these foods or herbs at once. So, the key is to try a few on for size and see how you feel thereafter. If you have strong issues with hormonal imbalance already, then you can take a hormone test to see where you are at, then start eating some of the things he suggests and then take the hormone test again a month or so later. In the meantime, you should naturally feel a shift in your body from mood to sex drive, etc.
So, here's my notes from the one hour webinar which David Wolfe gave on Mon. March 5, 2012.
Please note: I did not know the spelling of many herbs or foods he mentioned so I did my best to spell them as they sound. My notes may not all be in complete sentences either. However, you should be able to clearly follow all his premises. The webinar recording is only available for 2 more days (today is 3/9/12, btw). So I figured, I better take good notes and share them before I forgot all this amazing information.
He gives information on how/where you can test your hormones and gives a lot of information on the different forms of foods or herbs you can ingest in order to block the BAD ESTROGEN, which, like I mentioned before, has actually effected everyone in our society. He gives examples of how it effects us from migranes, to low sex drive, to many other issues.
So, here goes, hope you enjoy the notes:
Create a stress defense shield by what we eat:
Fortify ourselves herbally.
Adaptogen is an herb that helps us deal with stress. It’s a tonic herb.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. – Hypocrites
Maca – adaptogen deals with stress 10-15%
Top 10: Chinese Herbs, Aryuvedic herbs, western herbs
David Hawkins book: “Discovery of the presence of God”
Dynastema – helps drive digestive track back into proper direction
Become aware of what food is doing to our system. Make sure food takes burden off of system instead putting burden on us (ie – gas, physical pain)
Live fresh vegetable juice (celery, cucumber juice) + fresh salad per day
Take a day off of food and just drink water. Direct connection with eating and stress. Will notice that if stress occurs while we’re not eating, we will want to eat right away.
Eat more salad. Put in more good stuff and crowd out the bad.
Fresh juicy cells of: vegetable juice, fruit juice, fresh herbs.
Go to most well researched herbs and superfoods of the world.
Reishi mushroom – anti-stress adaptogen
Medicinal mushrooms – immunological – adaptogen
77,000 artificial chemicals dumped in our society since 1940.
Astragolis (organic) – Chinese herb – make a green tea out of it.
Caffeine is a driver that drives other nutrients in.
Chaga, reishi – and put with Astragolis to drive them in.
If you drink alcohol, put herbs in it, so that the alcohol drives the herbs in. Then the alcohol is a driver.
Don’t drink coffee by itself, use it to drive all the herbs in. There are companies that are selling coffee with reishi in it to drive the reishi in.
Super food mocha.
Tolci, amalaki, (Chinese herbs)…. mix with honey (=“chivonprash”) – feed to child
Chisandra berry –
Ho shi woo – bone marrow building – anti-stress
What does David eat on a daily basis: eat a salad everyday (cucumbers, lettuce & pistachios – kale, olive oil, avocado), herbs (reishi, chaga), astragulis, asparagus root (wild asparagus hunter – Echo Park – lots growing all over there – asparagus root looks like gummy bears – can take through customs). Supps: Mega Hydrate (Dr. Patrick Flannigan) – hydrogen supp… + Rodiola, Dynestema, Ho Shu Woo (+ horse tail and nettles). Does not take pills – take as powders, teas or fresh.
Incapsulated vegetable capsules of the powder of the herbs.
Food: changes dominant thoughts, habits, transforms your values, changes your focus.
Emotional, spiritual, food transformation – if you have anyone of these, you will then lead into the other areas. - Education - take things that are exotic and far away and make them easy and accessible. DVDs - deals with our physical body – longevity now dvds, recipes, teas, superherbs, etc. - 60 hrs. of material for $127.
Need live fermented cultured food everyday (sour krout, kim chi, etc.)
Eat raw super foods such as: gogi berries, cacao, maca, spirulina, marine phytoplankten, honey, + acai, yocon, lukuma, aloe vera, noni, etc. Do research online and learn a lot.
Hormones: Last 70-80 years, we’ve dumped 77,000 chemicals since 1940s – effects of that toxicity causes estrogen dominance (DBT – fake estrogen). Dioxen dominance and petroleum products cause estrogen dominance. Women need progesterone to balance out. Causes migranes, insomnia, chronic acne, enormous amount of different cancers triggered by estrogen dominance, unability to lose last 20-30 lbs. How to deal with this naturally. Bio-identical hormones help and work, but is there something to do naturally with superfoods and superherbs. Protocal: they chemicals cause liver problems and cannot process estrone fast enough and is beginning of estrogen dominance (“emetholation problem” – cannot metholate the bad estrogen out). Bad estrogen is missing a methol group. Trimethyl glycine – found in beets: beet roots and beet juice – great liver detoxer and gogi berries are also great. Look at other methol donors: vit B6 & B9 (detoxify liver of toxic estrogen & toxic pesticides). MSM is great methol donor. (If you don’t get bad estrogen out: men can be in danger for prostate cancer, women are in danger for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Can take hormone test (for women) – progesterone is low, testosterone is low to moderate – 16 alpha hydroxy estrone is elevated through roof, estrodial is elevated, estrioal is low, cortisol is elevated, vit d3 is low – in danger of breast and ovarian cancer) – ZRB labs does hormone test (capilary test – prick finger for blood) – if you’re 50 or serious pms issues or man, low sex drive – take protocal and then watch how you transform and take test again. If you’re going into menopause and you come out of menopause, then hormones are going in right direction. Dr. Patty in FL will be running protocol in FL. Is summarized in instant access feed.
Bad estrogen dissolvers: Melotonine, iodine, indol 3 carbinol (supplement of the year according to David – “Estro Guard – indol 3 carbinol and DIM concentrated out of broccoli – all cospherous vegetables are bad estrogen dissolvers: broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, etc and they contain fiber called “calcium diglucerate”) – get estrogen out of system and is in intestines sometimes it can be reabsorbed, so you need the fiber of crospherous veggies and fruits (apple skins and berries) to draw out bad estrogen out of system right out of your bowels. Another big one is oats, oatmeal and oat is very powerful bad estrogen dissolver.
Natural aroma-taze inhibitors: olive oil, rezveritrol (grapes), cor-si-tin (onions & apples), passion flower (chamomile) – block a good hormone like testosterone (naturally anti-prostate cancer), progesterone (naturally anti-cancer), but when back flips and becomes bad estrogen because it aromitizes – natural aroma-taste inhibitor will keep a good hormone like testosterone or progesterone from back flipping and becoming bad estrogen. Ferments specifically - nettle root is also natural aroma-taste inhibitor (very imp. for age 60-70 if concerned with low testosterone and possibility of prostate cancer).
Need enough fat and oil in our body and our diet on a daily basis: need full spectrum of oils from saturated fats (such as coconut oil) to omega 3 fatty acids to including oils such as olive oil (monounsaturated).
Great hormone builder foods: Maca, anese family (fennel and gil – good to increase breast milk), chocolate (natural raw chocolate - not filled with sugar and dairy).
Herbal hormone support – ginsing, dinostema, nettle, rasberry leaf (for women).
(Chemicals and toxins) How important is organic food vs. conventional: Very, very, very important to choose organic. Nothing more important than that. Number of reasons, one is, we don’t want to support non-organic farmers, supporting them supports more chemicals into our environment – we have enough to deal with for 10-30,000 years. Vote with dollar, vote with your money, let’s vote organic.
What about expense of organic foods and herbs: It's a values correction. There’s free food around you all the time that is wild and free. Grow in yard: evening primrose, marsh-mah-low, com-fri, wild lettuces (wild weeds). Everyone is financially stretched right now. Get out of mind set of scarcity. Wild avocados, wild food, citrus fruit (lemon, grapefruit, orange, lime – bad estrogen dissolvers). Nothing more important to spend your money than food that goes in your mouth. You have to save yourself first and put your money where your mouth is. Values, get values in order. If you have 2 cars, get rid of one car and put that money into nutrition (it’s a pollution maker). Grow your own food and nutrition to transform yourself, that’s the best use of your money. People are stuck in mindset that there’s all these other expenses. You can grow your own food. Can grow: astragolis, ho-shu-woo, chocolate trees (he grows it at farm in Hawaii ), noni, aloe vera… what a better way than to get connected with the earth, by growing your own medicine and your own food. Connect mind, body and spirit – close the loop. It connects that great cycle – connection of being out in your yard barefoot, connecting heaven and earth, seeing magic of your growth over the years in your orchard and berry trees is absolute fulfillment.
Developed fruit tree foundation that gives back to kids (vision to plant 18 billion fruit trees). Did a huge planting for City of Chicago and planted hundreds of trees in their parks to help plant fruit trees and now anyone can have fruit from those trees, homeless people, anyone can have some.
Something fresh is better than nothing fresh!!!
Theme: Take steps you can take: Look at habits and patterns and make the changes you can make within that without being unrealistic about the changes you are going to make. - longevity talks and much more details about hormones and foods that can balance out hormones in a natural way - $127 (valued at over $500) – 60 hours of dvds…. equivalent to 30 movies. So much information! Will also include live streaming as well!
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