Saturday, October 22, 2011

#22 - Benefits of Spirulina and/or Chlorella supplements

OMG, what can I say about the AMAZING benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella!........ so, sooo, sooooooooo much!!!!

They are GREAT for people that are ANEMIC and/or looking for an amazing plant-based "complete protein" that gives us far more protein than "meat" does per serving without the nasty side effects and diseases that regular meat ingestion can eventually cause (see below for more details).

Also, if you compare the amount of "complete protein" we consume per serving from meat (a mere 20% per serving) vs. Spirulina (60-65% per serving) vs. Chlorella (50-60% per serving), I think we can do the math to figure out who are the TRUE WINNERS HERE................. NOT meat!  We've been brainwashed to think so AND to believe that plants CANNOT give us enough "protein" yet that's not true at all.  Check out my blog #23 for MANY more non-meat sources of protein!

First off, PRODUCT IS EVERYTHING............... so I HIGHLY recommend buying from "Healthforce Nutritionals".

Why Healthforce Nutritionals?

Their products are "Vegan" so NO animal-derived products are used (but then again, Spirulina and Chlorella are a "blue-green algae" found in the sea, so they have nothing to do with animals), but certifying that the product is "vegan" also goes beyond that, it means it was not produced in a factory that processes any meat or dairy products.

(Note: All information I've listed below is direct from Healthforce Nutritionals website/products)

Spirulina offers 60-65% protein per serving.

Healthforce Nutritionals products are "100% TruGanic"What does that mean?  TruGanic (a trademarked term) means it is a "purist, hard-core quality standard significantly beyond Organic.  In addition to no pesticides being used anywhere in the growing process, TruGanic include authentic standards for production, non-toxic cleaning agents, pest control, electromagnetic radiation, processing agents, additives, air quality and actual verification of purity."

"Spirulina is a water-grown, 100% vegetable plankton.  It is a blue-green algae that grows in fresh water lakes throughout the world... and is probably the worlds single #1 superfoodIncredible source of full spectrum, non-toxic absorbable nutrients and compounds including 60-65% protein!"

"The protein in Spirulina contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein.  It is a highly beneficial substitute for isolated protein powders (especially those of animal origin).  Unlike the high uric acide forming protein from animal products that contributes significantly to osteoporosis and can cause kidney stree, Spirulina's protein is gentle on your kidneys and its Pycocyanin has been shown to actually help orotect against kidney failure!"

"Spirulina provides high levels of chlorophyll, and also contains iron (non-toxic in whole plant form), vitamin A (as non toxic beta carotene), a full spectrum of carotenoids: B-1, B-2, B-6, E and K.  In addition, Spirulina provides a vast array of minerals, trace elements, acids such as: DHA, GLA and others which have been shown to possess potent anti-viral activity, chlorophyll, and other beneficial pigments."

"Spirulina is a whole food source of concentrated nutrients that has been used for centuries.  The ancient Aztecs thrived on spirulina from Lake Texcoco in Mexico.  In addition, Spirulina is still harvested by the native peoples who live around the lake in Chad, Africa."

So what about Chlorella, you ask?  Many of the amazing benefits of Spirulina are offered in Chorella as well.  It is also a "blue green algae" and all of the the facts I listed about "Healthforce Nutritionals" product above, also apply to their Chorella product. 

Chlorella offers 50-60% protein per serving.

It is beneficial to our body to switch up the blue green algaes we give it, so I suggest alternating back and forth between a jar of Spirulina and a jar of Chlorella. 

It's best to purchase a jar of at least "500 tabs" at a time as you will take anywhere from 20-25 tabs+ per day.  Oh yes, remember this is an actual FOOD and therefore, since it is beneficial to feed our bodies protein throughout the day, the best way to do it is to take 5-6 tabs at a time at least 4-5 times a day!  I keep a jar on my desk at work and another one at home to start my day off with!

Here's some links to Healthforce Nutritionals amazing products:

1) Spirulina (500 tabs):
2) Chlorella (500 tabs):
3) Digestion Enhancement Enzymes (120 tabs):

Check out my blog #24 for more information on why "digestion enhancement enzymes" are essential to our bodies (especially if we are on a "raw", "vegan" or "vegeterian" diet!)

PLEASE WATCH FOR MY FUTURE BLOGS that will give very detailed information on specific "super foods" including: Spirulina and Chlorella

But first, I will posting about all the benefits of doing a "28 day raw food cleanse" and clearing DECADES of gunk built up in your colon from eating meat and dairy and taking prescription drugs and OTCs (over-the-counter drugs).  The average woman loses between 15-18 lbs. during the cleanse period and the average man loses between 20-25 lbs.  Depending on your body structure, height, etc, you can expect to lose at least 10% of your total body weight during a "28 day raw food cleanse" following the protocal that I share AND of course, like I mentioned before "product is everything", so using the "Ejuva" product is ESSENTIAL to the success of your TRUE cleanse!!!

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