If you're vegeterian, vegan or raw and are looking for a great source of "protein", hemp seeds (aka hemp hearts) is a great source!
Here's some great links on why hemp seeds are so good for us and why they are a "complete protein resource":
Here's a link to the ones I personally purchase - there are many other sources online as well, but I trust this one because my "homeopath" carries it in his office and I know anything he carries, he has thoroughly researched the product and manufacturer and I can be assured that it is THE BEST OF THE BEST (also try your local WF to see if they carry them): http://www.hemphearts.com/ - Ok, well, I did not find the "purchase" info. on their website, but they have lots of great info. about the product there, so check it out, but in the interim, to purchase email: clark@hemphearts.com OR call: (403) 380-1958.
For MORE great sources of protein, also try adding the following to your diet:
1) chia seeds (you make them into a "chia jell" to use in your "super smoothie" - check out my blog #14 on a great "super smoothie recipe" and how to make chia jell.... super easy),
2) spirulina (contains THE highest amount of digestible protein per serving ON THIS PLANET.... oh yeah, you heard me, it takes the cake over "meat" (meat only offers 20% of protein per serving, btw).......... we've been brain-washed to believe that meat is our only source of protein when there are so many other sources) - Spirulina offers 60-65% protein PER serving!!! - Check out my blog #22 for more info. on a great "spirulina supplement".
3) chorella (contains the 2nd highest amount of digestible protein per serving on this planet). Chorella offers 55-60% protein PER serving!!! - Check out my blog #22 for more info. on a great "chorella supplement".
4) nuts and/or seeds
5) dark leafy greens (collard greens, chard, kale, spinach are all great sources)
6) sprouts (all kinds, they are an amazing source of protein)
I strongly suggest you invest in a "spirulina supplement" and/or "chorella supplement" if you are on a "raw, vegan or vegeterian" diet........... this will give you the optimal amount of digestible protein without turning to meat AND.............
IF YOU ARE ANEMIC, these amazing supplements (Spirulina & Chorella) should really help you, as they have helped me (and I've battled Anemia for 8 years now (since 2003) and no "iron supplements" that MDs prescribed helped (they just made my constipated), then my homeopath got me on these supplements and it was night and day what it does for my energy. Check out my blog #22 for more info. on which products I suggest and why!
A place to find some great holistic, homeopathic, natural, organic, vegeterian, vegan and raw food tips to help bring vitality back into your life!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
#22 - Benefits of Spirulina and/or Chlorella supplements
OMG, what can I say about the AMAZING benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella!........ so, sooo, sooooooooo much!!!!
They are GREAT for people that are ANEMIC and/or looking for an amazing plant-based "complete protein" that gives us far more protein than "meat" does per serving without the nasty side effects and diseases that regular meat ingestion can eventually cause (see below for more details).
Also, if you compare the amount of "complete protein" we consume per serving from meat (a mere 20% per serving) vs. Spirulina (60-65% per serving) vs. Chlorella (50-60% per serving), I think we can do the math to figure out who are the TRUE WINNERS HERE................. NOT meat! We've been brainwashed to think so AND to believe that plants CANNOT give us enough "protein" yet that's not true at all. Check out my blog #23 for MANY more non-meat sources of protein!
First off, PRODUCT IS EVERYTHING............... so I HIGHLY recommend buying from "Healthforce Nutritionals".
Why Healthforce Nutritionals?
Their products are "Vegan" so NO animal-derived products are used (but then again, Spirulina and Chlorella are a "blue-green algae" found in the sea, so they have nothing to do with animals), but certifying that the product is "vegan" also goes beyond that, it means it was not produced in a factory that processes any meat or dairy products.
(Note: All information I've listed below is direct from Healthforce Nutritionals website/products)
Spirulina offers 60-65% protein per serving.
Healthforce Nutritionals products are "100% TruGanic". What does that mean? TruGanic (a trademarked term) means it is a "purist, hard-core quality standard significantly beyond Organic. In addition to no pesticides being used anywhere in the growing process, TruGanic include authentic standards for production, non-toxic cleaning agents, pest control, electromagnetic radiation, processing agents, additives, air quality and actual verification of purity."
"Spirulina is a water-grown, 100% vegetable plankton. It is a blue-green algae that grows in fresh water lakes throughout the world... and is probably the worlds single #1 superfood. Incredible source of full spectrum, non-toxic absorbable nutrients and compounds including 60-65% protein!"
"The protein in Spirulina contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It is a highly beneficial substitute for isolated protein powders (especially those of animal origin). Unlike the high uric acide forming protein from animal products that contributes significantly to osteoporosis and can cause kidney stree, Spirulina's protein is gentle on your kidneys and its Pycocyanin has been shown to actually help orotect against kidney failure!"
"Spirulina provides high levels of chlorophyll, and also contains iron (non-toxic in whole plant form), vitamin A (as non toxic beta carotene), a full spectrum of carotenoids: B-1, B-2, B-6, E and K. In addition, Spirulina provides a vast array of minerals, trace elements, acids such as: DHA, GLA and others which have been shown to possess potent anti-viral activity, chlorophyll, and other beneficial pigments."
"Spirulina is a whole food source of concentrated nutrients that has been used for centuries. The ancient Aztecs thrived on spirulina from Lake Texcoco in Mexico. In addition, Spirulina is still harvested by the native peoples who live around the lake in Chad, Africa."
So what about Chlorella, you ask? Many of the amazing benefits of Spirulina are offered in Chorella as well. It is also a "blue green algae" and all of the the facts I listed about "Healthforce Nutritionals" product above, also apply to their Chorella product.
Chlorella offers 50-60% protein per serving.
It is beneficial to our body to switch up the blue green algaes we give it, so I suggest alternating back and forth between a jar of Spirulina and a jar of Chlorella.
It's best to purchase a jar of at least "500 tabs" at a time as you will take anywhere from 20-25 tabs+ per day. Oh yes, remember this is an actual FOOD and therefore, since it is beneficial to feed our bodies protein throughout the day, the best way to do it is to take 5-6 tabs at a time at least 4-5 times a day! I keep a jar on my desk at work and another one at home to start my day off with!
Here's some links to Healthforce Nutritionals amazing products:
1) Spirulina (500 tabs): http://www.pureformulas.com/spirulina-manna-500-tablets-by-healthforce-nutritionals.html
2) Chlorella (500 tabs): http://www.pureformulas.com/chlorella-manna-500-tablets-by-healthforce-nutritionals.html
3) Digestion Enhancement Enzymes (120 tabs): http://www.pureformulas.com/digestion-enhancement-enzymes-120-high-potency-vc-by-healthforce-nutritionals.html
Check out my blog #24 for more information on why "digestion enhancement enzymes" are essential to our bodies (especially if we are on a "raw", "vegan" or "vegeterian" diet!)
PLEASE WATCH FOR MY FUTURE BLOGS that will give very detailed information on specific "super foods" including: Spirulina and Chlorella.
But first, I will posting about all the benefits of doing a "28 day raw food cleanse" and clearing DECADES of gunk built up in your colon from eating meat and dairy and taking prescription drugs and OTCs (over-the-counter drugs). The average woman loses between 15-18 lbs. during the cleanse period and the average man loses between 20-25 lbs. Depending on your body structure, height, etc, you can expect to lose at least 10% of your total body weight during a "28 day raw food cleanse" following the protocal that I share AND of course, like I mentioned before "product is everything", so using the "Ejuva" product is ESSENTIAL to the success of your TRUE cleanse!!!
They are GREAT for people that are ANEMIC and/or looking for an amazing plant-based "complete protein" that gives us far more protein than "meat" does per serving without the nasty side effects and diseases that regular meat ingestion can eventually cause (see below for more details).
Also, if you compare the amount of "complete protein" we consume per serving from meat (a mere 20% per serving) vs. Spirulina (60-65% per serving) vs. Chlorella (50-60% per serving), I think we can do the math to figure out who are the TRUE WINNERS HERE................. NOT meat! We've been brainwashed to think so AND to believe that plants CANNOT give us enough "protein" yet that's not true at all. Check out my blog #23 for MANY more non-meat sources of protein!
First off, PRODUCT IS EVERYTHING............... so I HIGHLY recommend buying from "Healthforce Nutritionals".
Why Healthforce Nutritionals?
Their products are "Vegan" so NO animal-derived products are used (but then again, Spirulina and Chlorella are a "blue-green algae" found in the sea, so they have nothing to do with animals), but certifying that the product is "vegan" also goes beyond that, it means it was not produced in a factory that processes any meat or dairy products.
(Note: All information I've listed below is direct from Healthforce Nutritionals website/products)
Spirulina offers 60-65% protein per serving.
Healthforce Nutritionals products are "100% TruGanic". What does that mean? TruGanic (a trademarked term) means it is a "purist, hard-core quality standard significantly beyond Organic. In addition to no pesticides being used anywhere in the growing process, TruGanic include authentic standards for production, non-toxic cleaning agents, pest control, electromagnetic radiation, processing agents, additives, air quality and actual verification of purity."
"Spirulina is a water-grown, 100% vegetable plankton. It is a blue-green algae that grows in fresh water lakes throughout the world... and is probably the worlds single #1 superfood. Incredible source of full spectrum, non-toxic absorbable nutrients and compounds including 60-65% protein!"
"The protein in Spirulina contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It is a highly beneficial substitute for isolated protein powders (especially those of animal origin). Unlike the high uric acide forming protein from animal products that contributes significantly to osteoporosis and can cause kidney stree, Spirulina's protein is gentle on your kidneys and its Pycocyanin has been shown to actually help orotect against kidney failure!"
"Spirulina provides high levels of chlorophyll, and also contains iron (non-toxic in whole plant form), vitamin A (as non toxic beta carotene), a full spectrum of carotenoids: B-1, B-2, B-6, E and K. In addition, Spirulina provides a vast array of minerals, trace elements, acids such as: DHA, GLA and others which have been shown to possess potent anti-viral activity, chlorophyll, and other beneficial pigments."
"Spirulina is a whole food source of concentrated nutrients that has been used for centuries. The ancient Aztecs thrived on spirulina from Lake Texcoco in Mexico. In addition, Spirulina is still harvested by the native peoples who live around the lake in Chad, Africa."
So what about Chlorella, you ask? Many of the amazing benefits of Spirulina are offered in Chorella as well. It is also a "blue green algae" and all of the the facts I listed about "Healthforce Nutritionals" product above, also apply to their Chorella product.
Chlorella offers 50-60% protein per serving.
It is beneficial to our body to switch up the blue green algaes we give it, so I suggest alternating back and forth between a jar of Spirulina and a jar of Chlorella.
It's best to purchase a jar of at least "500 tabs" at a time as you will take anywhere from 20-25 tabs+ per day. Oh yes, remember this is an actual FOOD and therefore, since it is beneficial to feed our bodies protein throughout the day, the best way to do it is to take 5-6 tabs at a time at least 4-5 times a day! I keep a jar on my desk at work and another one at home to start my day off with!
Here's some links to Healthforce Nutritionals amazing products:
1) Spirulina (500 tabs): http://www.pureformulas.com/spirulina-manna-500-tablets-by-healthforce-nutritionals.html
2) Chlorella (500 tabs): http://www.pureformulas.com/chlorella-manna-500-tablets-by-healthforce-nutritionals.html
3) Digestion Enhancement Enzymes (120 tabs): http://www.pureformulas.com/digestion-enhancement-enzymes-120-high-potency-vc-by-healthforce-nutritionals.html
Check out my blog #24 for more information on why "digestion enhancement enzymes" are essential to our bodies (especially if we are on a "raw", "vegan" or "vegeterian" diet!)
PLEASE WATCH FOR MY FUTURE BLOGS that will give very detailed information on specific "super foods" including: Spirulina and Chlorella.
But first, I will posting about all the benefits of doing a "28 day raw food cleanse" and clearing DECADES of gunk built up in your colon from eating meat and dairy and taking prescription drugs and OTCs (over-the-counter drugs). The average woman loses between 15-18 lbs. during the cleanse period and the average man loses between 20-25 lbs. Depending on your body structure, height, etc, you can expect to lose at least 10% of your total body weight during a "28 day raw food cleanse" following the protocal that I share AND of course, like I mentioned before "product is everything", so using the "Ejuva" product is ESSENTIAL to the success of your TRUE cleanse!!!
#21 - Benefits of taking "Allicin Garlic" during cold/flu season
You may have heard that garlic is good for you... but did you know that the "Allicin" it produces is a highly effective, safer, and less expensive natural alternative to many prescription drugs.
Many medicines only relieve symptoms, but Allicin deals with the cause.
And did you know that Allicin can fight a wide range of disease-causing microbes and parasites, including some dangerous yeast and bacteria organisms that are resistant to drugs and antibiotics?
Allicin fights viruses, including: Flu, Colds, and Herpes.
Allicin also fights: fungus, yeast, and bacteria, including hard-to-treat yeast infections.
You get all the benefits of consuming "raw" garlic without the bitter taste NOR the harsh smell on your breath!
I take 1 capsule per day of a product called: "Alli-C" which contains a combination of: 1) allicin powder, 2) vitamin c, and 3) citrus bioflavonoids "which work synergistically to help support your body's natural defense system." (see below for link to purchase online)
The product I mentioned above is amazing because of the combination of the 3 supplements it offers within it, so you are getting a triple dose of "feel good" to boost your body's immune system!!!!
You can purchase it online at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Allisure-Allicin-Powder-270-Josling/dp/B004VXIWR0/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1319307873&sr=8-3
If you cannot find this exact same product, then I suggest you find an "allicin garlic" supplement and take that throughout the cold/flu season to avoid catching any viruses AND avoid needing "flu shots" or "antibiotics" from your MDs. Ick! It's always about drugs, drugs, drugs in this society.... but I'm here to tell you it DOES NOT NEED TO BE THAT WAY and taking a daily dose (1 capsule) of "allicin garlic" should help ward away the mainstream flus and/or common colds!
Check out this link to more info. on Allicin Garlic benefits: http://www.astrologyzine.com/health/alli-c-benefits.html
Please, please, please..... stop the maddness.... stop taking annual flu shots, stop taking prescription drugs at the drop of the hat without doing your own research on the pluses and minuses of using them AND stop taking all the OTC (over-the-counter) drugs that also "suppress" our symptoms at the first sign of: congestion, stuffy nose, runny nose, lack of sleep, caughs, soar throat, etc, etc (forget about the crafty slogan Niquil has drilled in our heads)....
instead consider taking a supplement like "Alli-C" or at the very least a "allicin garlic" supplement, to help avoid or clear up those symptoms without needing to take DRUGS! Ick! Really, do you have any idea how many symptoms we've suppressed back into our bodies over the years that are just waiting to re-emerge in a worse form later on.
Truly, the answer is to learn more about "homeopathy" (check out my blog #17 for more info.) and finding some great supplements such as the "Alli-C" I mentioned above, and the "Vitamin C complex" I mention in blog #20 and the "plant derived MSM" I mention in blog #21, as well as the Spirulina and/or Chorella supplements I mention in blog #22.
Be healthy, be smart and remember to live in SUNSHINE and VITALITY.
And I mean it LITERALLY when I say "live in sunshine".... check out my blog #11 for more info. on why we're "Vitamin D deficient" and the "benefits of natural sunshine".
Many medicines only relieve symptoms, but Allicin deals with the cause.
And did you know that Allicin can fight a wide range of disease-causing microbes and parasites, including some dangerous yeast and bacteria organisms that are resistant to drugs and antibiotics?
Allicin fights viruses, including: Flu, Colds, and Herpes.
Allicin also fights: fungus, yeast, and bacteria, including hard-to-treat yeast infections.
You get all the benefits of consuming "raw" garlic without the bitter taste NOR the harsh smell on your breath!
I take 1 capsule per day of a product called: "Alli-C" which contains a combination of: 1) allicin powder, 2) vitamin c, and 3) citrus bioflavonoids "which work synergistically to help support your body's natural defense system." (see below for link to purchase online)
The product I mentioned above is amazing because of the combination of the 3 supplements it offers within it, so you are getting a triple dose of "feel good" to boost your body's immune system!!!!
You can purchase it online at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Allisure-Allicin-Powder-270-Josling/dp/B004VXIWR0/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1319307873&sr=8-3
If you cannot find this exact same product, then I suggest you find an "allicin garlic" supplement and take that throughout the cold/flu season to avoid catching any viruses AND avoid needing "flu shots" or "antibiotics" from your MDs. Ick! It's always about drugs, drugs, drugs in this society.... but I'm here to tell you it DOES NOT NEED TO BE THAT WAY and taking a daily dose (1 capsule) of "allicin garlic" should help ward away the mainstream flus and/or common colds!
Check out this link to more info. on Allicin Garlic benefits: http://www.astrologyzine.com/health/alli-c-benefits.html
Please, please, please..... stop the maddness.... stop taking annual flu shots, stop taking prescription drugs at the drop of the hat without doing your own research on the pluses and minuses of using them AND stop taking all the OTC (over-the-counter) drugs that also "suppress" our symptoms at the first sign of: congestion, stuffy nose, runny nose, lack of sleep, caughs, soar throat, etc, etc (forget about the crafty slogan Niquil has drilled in our heads)....
instead consider taking a supplement like "Alli-C" or at the very least a "allicin garlic" supplement, to help avoid or clear up those symptoms without needing to take DRUGS! Ick! Really, do you have any idea how many symptoms we've suppressed back into our bodies over the years that are just waiting to re-emerge in a worse form later on.
Truly, the answer is to learn more about "homeopathy" (check out my blog #17 for more info.) and finding some great supplements such as the "Alli-C" I mentioned above, and the "Vitamin C complex" I mention in blog #20 and the "plant derived MSM" I mention in blog #21, as well as the Spirulina and/or Chorella supplements I mention in blog #22.
Be healthy, be smart and remember to live in SUNSHINE and VITALITY.
And I mean it LITERALLY when I say "live in sunshine".... check out my blog #11 for more info. on why we're "Vitamin D deficient" and the "benefits of natural sunshine".
#20 - Truly Natural Vitamin C supplement
If you are looking to add "Vitamin C" to your diet, then you should look for a product that is "truly natural."
If you haven't found one on your own, I have found an amazing one that I highly recommend:
It's made by Health Force Nutritionals.
Here's a link to their website, but you can also "price search" the web for other places that sell their product as well: http://www.healthforce.com/shop?page=shop.product_details&category_id=2&flypage=garden_flypage.tpl&product_id=31
So why choose Health Force Nutritionals as your source of a "Vitamin C Supplement"?
"Vitamin C never occurs as an isolate in nature, it is part of an entire Vitamin C complex."
Here's a list of all the reasons listed on the product that I believe make this Vitamin C complex product (from Health Force Nutritionals) superior to other supplements that are usually based on isolated Vitamin C:
1) one tsp. contains naturally occuring, absorbable, non-toxic Vitamin C complex from a whole food extract of Acerola Berry,
2) it contains naturally occuring co-factors incl. bioflavinoids, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients,
3) it is naturally buffered,
4) it does not contain: "isolated Vitamin C",
5) it does not excrete in large amounts in the urine (visible as a yellowish tint),
6) it is not highly acidic, and
7) is non-toxic and does not cause nutrient imbalances (does not imbalance iron or copper levels or cause anemia, etc.).
To purchase this amazing product, check out their website at: http://www.healthforce.com/shop?page=shop.product_details&category_id=2&flypage=garden_flypage.tpl&product_id=31
ALSO, PLEASE CHECK OUT MY BLOG #19 that talks about 2 amazing benefits of pairing Vitamin C with MSM in your daily diet!!!
If you haven't found one on your own, I have found an amazing one that I highly recommend:
It's made by Health Force Nutritionals.
Here's a link to their website, but you can also "price search" the web for other places that sell their product as well: http://www.healthforce.com/shop?page=shop.product_details&category_id=2&flypage=garden_flypage.tpl&product_id=31
So why choose Health Force Nutritionals as your source of a "Vitamin C Supplement"?
"Vitamin C never occurs as an isolate in nature, it is part of an entire Vitamin C complex."
Here's a list of all the reasons listed on the product that I believe make this Vitamin C complex product (from Health Force Nutritionals) superior to other supplements that are usually based on isolated Vitamin C:
1) one tsp. contains naturally occuring, absorbable, non-toxic Vitamin C complex from a whole food extract of Acerola Berry,
2) it contains naturally occuring co-factors incl. bioflavinoids, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients,
3) it is naturally buffered,
4) it does not contain: "isolated Vitamin C",
5) it does not excrete in large amounts in the urine (visible as a yellowish tint),
6) it is not highly acidic, and
7) is non-toxic and does not cause nutrient imbalances (does not imbalance iron or copper levels or cause anemia, etc.).
To purchase this amazing product, check out their website at: http://www.healthforce.com/shop?page=shop.product_details&category_id=2&flypage=garden_flypage.tpl&product_id=31
ALSO, PLEASE CHECK OUT MY BLOG #19 that talks about 2 amazing benefits of pairing Vitamin C with MSM in your daily diet!!!
Let's talk about the benefits of "MSM" (Methylsulfonylmethane) today.
MSM is the 4th most plentiful mineral in the body, and so essential to life that it is found in every cell of virtually every animal and plant.
I should start by talking about WHY you would want to consider including a MSM supplement in your diet in the first place.
If you've ever had surgery, you have "scar tissue" in your body and that's something we really don't want and MSM will help break down/eliminate the scar tissue from your body.
Also, if you've eaten eggs on a regular basis for any prolonged period of time in your lifetime, you are likely to have a lot of "calcification" in your body. So what does that mean to you? Well, calcification leads to DISEASE so it's something you do NOT want in your body, yet most of us have it even if we've lived a primarily "vegeterian" or "vegan" or "raw" lifestyle. There are many other sources that add to "calcification" in our body. Of course the SAD (Standard American Diet) doesn't want us to believe that what we eat can lead to calcification which can also lead to heart disease and joint pain, etc.
Injuries to our body are also great contributors to "calcification", so if you've ever fallen down, got in a physical fight, were in a car accident, etc, it's likely your body built up calcification because of it.
Here's a list of all the benefits MSM gives our bodies (when used in our daily diets):
1) Helps reduce/eliminate "calcification",
2) Helps reduce/eliminate "scar tissue" (see #11 below),
3) Makes you more flexible,
4) Helps our bodies to absorb more nutrients (vitamins and minerals), which is essential to our body's well being!,
5) Increases oxygen availability in our bodies, and in case you didn't know it, oxygen flow to our cells and our brain is essential for us to function and to live disease free!,
6) Increases energy!!!!,
7) Helps the body eliminate toxins, including lactic acid build up from strenuous exercise,
8) Relieves muscular pains and aches,
9) Reduces inflammation due to injury or inflammatory diseases, such as Arthritis,
10) MSM, along with Vitamin C (the real stuff, not the crap most stores sell us - check out my Blog #20 for more info. on a GREAT Vitamin C product), helps hair and nails grow stronger and faster,
11) MSM, along with Vitamin C (again, see my Blog #20 for a GREAT Vitamin C product), helps reduce scar tissue and wrinkles, and helps keep the skin more elastic,
12) Improves mental alertness,
13) Helps reduce and/or totally eliminate allergies,
14) Reduces headaches, cramps and muscle pain caused by hormonal imbalances (for example, PMS),
15) Helps relieve constipation,
16) Helps reduce/eliminate snoring, and
17) Helps reduces eye membrane irritation (when MSM in a water solution is applied).
Check out this great article I found online that gives you more details on all of the above: http://www.evolutionhealth.com/msm-powder3.htm
If you want the best of the best MSM, I strongly suggest you buy Omica's MSM. Why Omica? Because it is PLANT DERIVED and more importantly, NOT derived from petroleum sources (which many other MSM products are derived from the later). Here is a link to Omica's website where you can buy MSM in powder or capsule form (I personally prefer the powder as I believe it absorbs better in our systems, but it does have a bitter taste that takes getting adjusted to): http://store.livingearthbeauty.com/category_s/137.htm?gclid=CMOf4Kjf_KsCFW0CQAodpA0P9A
On a personal side note: As I've mentioned in my blog entries, #17 & 18, I have suffered from "uteran fibroids" since 2003 and have had 2 surgeries (myomectomies in 2003 and 2007), however with the help of my magnificent "homeopathic doctors" (if you don't know what a "homeopath" is, you MUST read my Blog #17), they helped me avoid surgery #3 in 2010.... I was literally months away from having to have a hysterectomy this time, when I stumbled upon my homeopaths. Due to their advise on diet change, homeopathic remedies, and several natural supplements they gave me, my fibroids are now SHRINKING and I NO LONGER NEED surgery! One of the supplements that has greatly contributed to my fibroids shrinking has been MSM! Every month I have seen huge pieces of them leave my body and I know it is due to the MSM breaking them down in my body, the healthy meat-free and dairy-free diet I lead AND the homeopathic remedies and care I receive on a WEEKLY basis!!!
But don't take my word for it, try out MSM for yourself for a few months and see what it can do for your body!!! http://store.livingearthbeauty.com/category_s/137.htm?gclid=CMOf4Kjf_KsCFW0CQAodpA0P9A
MSM is the 4th most plentiful mineral in the body, and so essential to life that it is found in every cell of virtually every animal and plant.
I should start by talking about WHY you would want to consider including a MSM supplement in your diet in the first place.
If you've ever had surgery, you have "scar tissue" in your body and that's something we really don't want and MSM will help break down/eliminate the scar tissue from your body.
Also, if you've eaten eggs on a regular basis for any prolonged period of time in your lifetime, you are likely to have a lot of "calcification" in your body. So what does that mean to you? Well, calcification leads to DISEASE so it's something you do NOT want in your body, yet most of us have it even if we've lived a primarily "vegeterian" or "vegan" or "raw" lifestyle. There are many other sources that add to "calcification" in our body. Of course the SAD (Standard American Diet) doesn't want us to believe that what we eat can lead to calcification which can also lead to heart disease and joint pain, etc.
Injuries to our body are also great contributors to "calcification", so if you've ever fallen down, got in a physical fight, were in a car accident, etc, it's likely your body built up calcification because of it.
Here's a list of all the benefits MSM gives our bodies (when used in our daily diets):
1) Helps reduce/eliminate "calcification",
2) Helps reduce/eliminate "scar tissue" (see #11 below),
3) Makes you more flexible,
4) Helps our bodies to absorb more nutrients (vitamins and minerals), which is essential to our body's well being!,
5) Increases oxygen availability in our bodies, and in case you didn't know it, oxygen flow to our cells and our brain is essential for us to function and to live disease free!,
6) Increases energy!!!!,
7) Helps the body eliminate toxins, including lactic acid build up from strenuous exercise,
8) Relieves muscular pains and aches,
9) Reduces inflammation due to injury or inflammatory diseases, such as Arthritis,
10) MSM, along with Vitamin C (the real stuff, not the crap most stores sell us - check out my Blog #20 for more info. on a GREAT Vitamin C product), helps hair and nails grow stronger and faster,
11) MSM, along with Vitamin C (again, see my Blog #20 for a GREAT Vitamin C product), helps reduce scar tissue and wrinkles, and helps keep the skin more elastic,
12) Improves mental alertness,
13) Helps reduce and/or totally eliminate allergies,
14) Reduces headaches, cramps and muscle pain caused by hormonal imbalances (for example, PMS),
15) Helps relieve constipation,
16) Helps reduce/eliminate snoring, and
17) Helps reduces eye membrane irritation (when MSM in a water solution is applied).
Check out this great article I found online that gives you more details on all of the above: http://www.evolutionhealth.com/msm-powder3.htm
If you want the best of the best MSM, I strongly suggest you buy Omica's MSM. Why Omica? Because it is PLANT DERIVED and more importantly, NOT derived from petroleum sources (which many other MSM products are derived from the later). Here is a link to Omica's website where you can buy MSM in powder or capsule form (I personally prefer the powder as I believe it absorbs better in our systems, but it does have a bitter taste that takes getting adjusted to): http://store.livingearthbeauty.com/category_s/137.htm?gclid=CMOf4Kjf_KsCFW0CQAodpA0P9A
On a personal side note: As I've mentioned in my blog entries, #17 & 18, I have suffered from "uteran fibroids" since 2003 and have had 2 surgeries (myomectomies in 2003 and 2007), however with the help of my magnificent "homeopathic doctors" (if you don't know what a "homeopath" is, you MUST read my Blog #17), they helped me avoid surgery #3 in 2010.... I was literally months away from having to have a hysterectomy this time, when I stumbled upon my homeopaths. Due to their advise on diet change, homeopathic remedies, and several natural supplements they gave me, my fibroids are now SHRINKING and I NO LONGER NEED surgery! One of the supplements that has greatly contributed to my fibroids shrinking has been MSM! Every month I have seen huge pieces of them leave my body and I know it is due to the MSM breaking them down in my body, the healthy meat-free and dairy-free diet I lead AND the homeopathic remedies and care I receive on a WEEKLY basis!!!
But don't take my word for it, try out MSM for yourself for a few months and see what it can do for your body!!! http://store.livingearthbeauty.com/category_s/137.htm?gclid=CMOf4Kjf_KsCFW0CQAodpA0P9A
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