Monday, April 25, 2011

#16 - Benefits of Dark Molasses (can be used as a sugar sub too)

Blackstrap molasses is an excellent source of manganese and copper. It is a very good source of iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, blackstrap molasses is a good source of vitamin B6 and selenium.

Here's some benefits of using molasses in your diet (for more detailed information please read the link I have included below):
  • Increase your iron stores and in turn increase your energy and lower your chances for anemia
  • Helps your calcium needs go down
  • Use as an energizing mineral-dense sweetner (wow, more bang for your buck, you get a sweetner AND you are incorporating much needed minerals in our diet which we are deficient in due to the lack of minerals in our soil - see my post #2 on how to also use Himalayan Salt in your daily diet (which gives us an additional 84 minerals in our bodies).

So here's the link that will tell you all the details about the 3 bullet points I listed above:

Here's a great link to a "nutritional chart" showing all the nutritional content of "organic dark molasses":

Here's a link to the organic dark molasses I buy at WF, but in case you're like many people these days that love to buy things online, here's a link to find it online (I'm sure you can find other "organic" brands as well, this just happens to be the most common one I've found):

What an amazingly easy food to add to our daily diet and get so many fantastic benefits from it. 

BTW, my cat and dog LOVE molasses in their food too

For kitty (my cat, Bacardi), I dip a fork in my molasses bottle and then swirl that around in his wet food in the morning and he's happy as pie (it even helped me ween him off of "insulin" and get him in remission from Diabetes - there was more to it than the Molasses, but that was a big part of it - so please don't try weening your cat off of insulin unless you get some direction on how to do so - I got my direction from my homeopathic doctor and both Bacardi and I are elated that he no longer has to have shots twice a day and he's healthy as can be at age 14 - my vet was also elated).

As for my big 4-legged beastie (my dog, Selena), I add a tbl of Molasses to her food every morning and evening and she is happy as pie to have it (I also add 2 tbl of olive oil - which has made her coat so shiny and she just loves it).

#15 - "True Cinnamon" vs. Cassia - GREAT BENEFITS from true cinnamon!!

Here's a great article I found on true cinnamon from Sri Lanka (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum) vs. Cinnamon Cassia (which is what they sell us in the stores in the US and is not good for us). 

True cinnamon is very good for us!  And is great in our morning smoothies.  This article explains why:

All I did was google "true cinnamon" and then I saw a link for "true cinnamon vs. cassia" and checked it out.

And at the bottom of the article was a link to buy the true Ceylon Cinnamon online.

BTW, Zeylanicum is the Latin word for Ceylon, in case you're confused why there are 2 different names referenced for the "true cinnamon", but if you read the whole article, you will find that out.

I strongly urge everyone to buy some "true cinnamon" and incorporate it in their daily diets.  It is such an amazing "super food" and a great addition in your morning "super smoothie" (see my post #14 for all the ingredients) and a great thing to add to your desserts as well!  Enjoy the fabulous taste and the added benefit to your wellness!!!

#14 - Super smoothie - energize your day w/"super foods" in your a.m. smoothie

So, some of you may or may not have heard of "super foods", but let me tell you, there are many.  What does the term mean to us?

Here's a few superfoods that we all know and can learn to love if we don't already:
Avocados, chard, kale, Acai berries, Maca powder, "true cinnamon" (from Sri Lanka), cacao, bee pollen, honey, nuts, seeds, sprouts.... the list goes on and on.

Here's a great article from Dr. Perricone who spoke about this topic on Oprah:

Of course, my list is more extensive than his and brings up foods that you may or may not have heard of before.  I got all my information from my super-guru homeopathic doctor, Dr. Robert Selig.  Here's a link to his website and if you're in Chicago and have any sort of health ailment, bodily pain, mental struggles, etc., I highly recommend that you check him out (he does take insurance and bills everything under the umbrella of chiropractic care):

Here is a link to a short YouTube video of Dr. Robert Selig explaining all of the options he offers at his amazing office in Chicago (which I go to ONCE A WEEK - religiously)!!!  I will be sad to say goodbye when I move back to CA.

If you haven't heard of some of the super foods I listed above, please, Google them with the word "super food" and see what comes up.  BTW, the cinnamon we buy in stores is not the true cinnamon that gives us all the amazing health benefits that cinnamon can give us.  The "true cinnamon" comes from Sri Lanka.  Check out my next blog on "true cinnamon vs. cassia" for more info.

So, back to the topic at hand,
your recipe for a morning super smoothie:


1 banana
4-6 strawberries
handful of blueberries
handful of blackberries
(Note: berries can be frozen, but should preferably be organic, when possible & you can use rasberries to as an additional berry or to sub the blueberries or blackberries)

1/2 teaspoon of bee pollen (get at Whole Foods (aka "WF")
1 tsp raw cacao (get at WF or online, but must state that it is "raw" to get full benefits)
8 oz of coconut milk - straight out of your fresh "young coconut" (get "young coconut" at WF and buy MANY as you will use them regularly)
1 teaspoon of "raw" honey
Couple pieces of coconut meat (scoop out of your "young coconut")

1 tbl of macca powder (you should be able to find at WF) - macca is a root from another country that they grind to a powder and it has many nutrients and healing elements and should be a staple in ALL your smoothies

3-4 spoonfuls of chia jell (get "Chia seeds" (can buy at WF or order online) - then you put 1/3 cup of seeds in a bowl with 1 cup of water and let sit overnite and it becomes a jel.  It should last 1-2 weeks and you scoop your spoonfuls out of this into your smoothie every morning.  Also a very important element in your daily smoothies. 

ALTERNATE "Chia jell" with "Hemp Seeds".  Oh yeah, I said it, "hemp seeds" also referred to as "hemp hearts" (you can purchase them online at: or do your own search online and also check with your local WF to see if they carry any).  So why alternate "chia jell" with "hemp seeds".... well, they are BOTH full of protein and very good for you so it's nice to give your body a treat to have one then the other.  I tend to use my "chia jell" mixture until I run out of the batch I made (usually 1-2 weeks) and then I switch and use hemp seeds in place of the chia jell for about a week, and then I go back to the chia jell.  Here is a great link on why hemp seeds are so good for us:  Also, here's info. on the "hemp seed" product that I purchase: - Ok, well, I did not find the "purchase" info. on their website, but they have lots of great info. about the product there, so check it out, but in the interim, to purchase email: OR call: (403) 380-1958.

1 tsp "acai berry" powder (maybe at WF - if not, you can skip this ingredient, it's an extra)
1/2 tsp "moringa leaf" powder (maybe at WF - if not, also can skip this one, it's an extra)

1 tsp "coconut oil" (buy "organic coconut oil" at WF - extra virgin and organic, preferably, it will actually look like lard in it's consistency but is very healing and good for us.  Anything from the coconut is good for us)

1/4 tsp "true cinnamon" - I am not talking about the stuff we buy in the spice isle, as it's not the real stuff.  You will most likely need to research and find some online.  (You can Google "true cinnamon from Sri Lanka" for some links to help you purchase Ceylon "true" Cinnamon online). True cinnamon is also a very key ingredient in your daily smoothies, but you can still use all the other ingredients while waiting to get some of this in the mail.  You will not find "true" cinnamon in any grocer or even Whole Foods, it is only available online or in specific stores that reference that they have "ceylon cinnamon".  The cinnamon found in the stores is actually "Cassia" which is in the family of "true cinnamon" but is not actually true cinnamon (see my post #15 for detailed information on "cassia" vs. "ceylon/true cinnamon").

1 tbl organic dark molasses - (also found at WF) - dark molasses is very good for us (see my post #16 for all the details of its benefits), but in the interim, this is an added ingredient that I decided to throw in my smoothies as of late as it's an easy way for me to incorporate molasses in my daily diet.  You can opt to make your smoothie without or without it, but I suggest, throw it in there too (and check out my post #16 for several other ideas of how to use it, including replacing your "sugar substitutes")!

PS I've also recently started adding Vitamin C powder (see my blog #20 for more amazing details on the product I use and why it is the REAL DEAL).... and what better way to incorporate it into my daily diet than in my smoothie. 

Here's a link to the website where I purchase the Vit C from, but you can also "price search" the web for other places that sell their product as well:

Instructions on blending ingredients:

Lastly, blend all ingredients together and viola, a great smoothie full of energy and vitality.  This is a meal replacement, so no need to eat anything else for breakfast.  I would, however, have your Himalayan salt water drink first thing in the morning and wait at least 15 min. before having your smoothie.

Good luck!  I personally love all fresh fruits, not frozen.  BTW, you can buy fresh berries and freeze them, which I think is better than buying the store bought frozen ones, cuz then there's no perservatives, but if you do buy store bought, get them at WF and get "organic".  A little pricier than non-organic, but I believe the frozen organic berries are cheaper than fresh, and ultimately, there's no price tag on your health.

Yummy, yummy on my tummy!  This is a "complete meal replacement" so you don't need to have anything else for breakfast other than your morning "Himalayan salt water" (see post # 2 for more info. on that topic) and you are good to go.... energized with minerals, nutrients and antioxidents!!!!  YEAH!!!

PS Here's a link to my online demonstration of how to put the smoothie together:

#13 - Fish - Fukushima vs. radiation vs. Omega 3s - Sea veggies chealate radiation!

I originally wrote this post a couple months after the huge Fukushima radiation spill.  Of course, that raised great concern about eating fish that could be contaminated with radiation and, how long will the radition continue to be present in the water, the fish, etc? Do we have other choices on how to chelate or detoxify the radiation and still enjoy fish?  It's up to you to decide if you feel you should omit fish or not.

Here's some links on chelating/detoxifying radiation by eating various sea vegetables/plants (nori, kombu (kelp), hijiki, arame dulse):

When I wrote this blog initially, I was quite biased against fish, but let's not forget, they are an amazing source of natural Omega 3s!  Here's some links that tell you more about the benefits of Omega 3s in fish:

Here are my initial thoughts about fish after Fukushima (don't forget, Chernobyl is still showing the long term side effects of radiation over THREE decades later... food for thought).

But first,  here's a few links to compare Fukushima vs. Chernobyl vs. Three Mile Island:

Ok, so back to deciding if fish (which is now probably all radiated from the Fukushima spill) is worth the risk or not.   When I initially wrote this blog (only a couple months after Fukushima) I was adamantly against eating any more fish (so you can decide if what I've shared below is enough to make you choose to omit fish from your diet OR simply lower the amount you intake (say once a week).  Either way, consider the great importance of Omega 3s in our diet.... so if you do decide fish is not for you, make sure you ARE using an appropriate "Omega 3 supplement" to replace what you are missing in your diet.

BELOW ARE THE INITIAL THOUGHTS I SHARED RIGHT AFTER FUKUSHIMA, you decide what you believe is best for you or rings true to you!!!

The FDA & USDA have done nothing to take action against contaminated fish from the radioactive fluids pouring into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima & that have spread all over the globe thru rainfall & still are.

Japan has finally raised the radioactive rating to 7, the worst there is AND admit that this IS as bad as Chernobyl (which 25 yrs later we are still paying for). No amount of fish is worth the risk & no one is going to be honest where the fish came from, which is a mute point anyway since Fukushima's radioactivity is spewing everywhere & we're all connected to that ocean. I'd rather you have an occasional small piece of an organic chicken than touch ANY fish, sorry, but of course, I leave this up to your own educated decision.

Keep in mind that decades later we are still finding out that more people have cancer today due to Chernobyl's radioactive mishap 25 years ago and those are not all people that lived in the immediate vicinity.  So, while no one will concretely tell us today that fish in the Pacific Ocean were/are directly effected by Fukushima's spill into that ocean, I say, we have to put on our thinking caps and use our common sense on this one.  How is it possible that the fish and the sea vegetables are not effected?

Here's a great article from that confirms what I stated above and should really make you think:

And here's a great blog about the same topic:

Ok, here's a great, short article that specifically talks about the fish being contaminated (hello):

Hope that gives you food for thought about eating any fish or sea vegetables for a long time going forward.  That includes sushi, of course.  Big time boo-hoo, cuz I admit, I LOVE sushi, but I just won't eat it anymore.  What a worldwide catostrophe this has turned into.  So, sooo sad!  It was bad enough Japan got it with 2 massive earthquakes and a horrendous tsunami, but to also have such a monumental catostrophe as Fukushima on their conscious is truly sad indeed.

#12 - If you eat eggs, how to make a healthier choice!

I wanted to breach the topic of eggs. If you choose to continue to have them in your diet, they should be organic only & preferably from cage free chickens. If they're not organic, that means they came from chickens that were pumped with hormones & those hormones transfer into their eggs & then into you. As for the cage free, well, go Google the treatment of chickens before slaughter & watch a video so you can see first hand how the chickens are bunched so closely together, they can barely move so they peck at each other like crazy & so, the farmer's solution is to cut off their beaks (I have provided some links below for more info).

Yes, this is a fact & the norm for most farms. Then the stress of that lifestyle ups the adrenaline in the chicken & the negative feelings that then go into her body (the chix meat people eat) and into her eggs you eat.

So, organic & cage free. Yes, you will pay double for that, but that will also make you appreciate those eggs more & maybe use less of them. Think how much effort she went through to birth those eggs that were taken from her so we could eat them, and, she was not allowed to see them hatch into her baby chicks.

If you're curious to know more, you'll check out this link on Chicken Farming, then vs. now:

And if you're really daring, you'll check out this article that not only shows you pics, but will also show you a video.  It really is eye opening to see first hand how the chickens are handled for both meat and eggs:

But like I said, if you want to eat eggs, at the very least, make sure they are organic and cage free!  :)

That should give us all some food for thought!!!!

As a side note, you should know that eggs are VERY "calcifying" in our system.  So what does that mean?  Most of us have more calcification in our bodies than we should and calcification leads to DISEASE (ie - diabetes, cancer, etc) and so we want to avoid "calcifying foods" as much as possible. 

Also, any injuries we have sustained over the years (such as car accidents, physical fights, falling down, etc.) all contribute to calcification as well.

A great product to use to help break down "calcification" and "scar tissue" in our bodies is MSM!  Check out my Blog #19 to find out more about MSM, an amazing natural product that works wonders for our bodies.  If you've ever had surgery, you have scar tissue in your body.  If you've eaten a lot of eggs, dairy, meat in your lifetime, you have calcification in your body.... and many other foods have added to calcification in your body.  MSM will break down the calcification, the scar tissue AND will make you more FLEXIBLE as well!  Check out my Blog #19 for more info!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

#11 - Vit D deficient? How to get it the old fashioned way!!!!

Wow, did you know that we have been sold a bill of goods regarding exposure to sunshine???  We are constantly bombarded with ads and doctors all telling us that we should use sunblock and "protect our skin from sunlight" so we don't "get cancer."  Uh-hum.... let's put on our thinking caps here.... before sunblock existed, were there as high rates of skin cancer as there are now?  I bet we could google that one.

Check out this great article by Dr. Robert Mercola stating "Sunblock can actually increase your risk of skin cancer"!!! 

It's important to note that while he talks about "vegetable oils" and "omega-6 fats" being a direct correlation to cancer, he makes a very important distinction that "vegetables are great and we all need them every day, but when they are processed and refined and consumed in large amounts they can cause major health problems."  The key here is avoiding "processed and refined veggies, hello! 

So I digressed, the point of this blog was to tell you how to increase Vitamin D in your body, but since the natural answer to that brings up the controversy of sun exposure being "bad for us", I had to dispell that myth first before trying to convince you to LOVE THE SUN AGAIN!  Just be smart, don't over expose yourself during the middle of the day.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb Calcium (a definite plus as we all need calcium to keep our bones strong), and guess what, an easy way to get Vitamin D is to have direct exposure on our face, arms, legs, back and tummy of what.... SUNSHINE!!!    And, without any sunblock on. 

How often?  15 minutes a day..... some say as little as 2 times a week, but I say, as often as we can.  My doctors (both my MD and homeopath shared the same info.... hallelujah!!) that even for people that live in climates that have long winters, you can store enough Vitamin D in your body to last through the winter if you lay in your backyard in a bikini for 15 min. in the morning or late afternoon (not in the middle of the day when the rays can burn you) and simply expose your face (no sunglasses), arms, tummy, legs and flip over and do the same for your back. 

Do this regularly and build a tan line and you will know you are storing Vitamin D.  Most of us that even live in warm weather don't do that at all, we try to stay covered with a hat, sunglasses (which block the brain from believing it is getting the true sunlight it is getting and of course, we know, the brain is the computer that makes our body tick so if it doesn't believe it's getting a lot of sunshine, even if it is, then it won't absorb it ..... wow, food for thought). 

Also we usually wear longer shorts and longer sleeved shirts and simply don't give our full body and skin the proper exposure to sun that it needs, hence we are Vitamin D deficient despite being able to expose ourselves to plenty of it for FREE through the amazing sun that God and Mother Nature gave us. 

BTW, regular exposure to the sun will not only help you store Vitamin D, but it will also improve your mood.  Just remember, like plants need the sun to thrive and stay alive, so do we!!!

If you're not convinced and/or you simply don't get enough sunshine so you aren't absorbing enough Vitamin D the old fashioned way, then try Dr. Mercola's FABULOUS "vitamin D spray", it's an AMAZING supplement that will help you get the Vitamin D you need.  Just check with your doctor to find out how many IU's they recommend you take per day.  Dr. Mercola's spray gives you 1,000 IUs per spray... so the bottle will last you a while.  Check out his 3-pack for an even better deal.  MOST OF US ARE VITAMIN D deficient, so when you get your next physical or bloodwork, ask your doctor if you are and then consider some more SUN EXPOSURE (per my tips above) and/or Dr. Mercola's Vitamin D spray:

#10 - Take the 30 DAY CHALLENGE to omit dairy from your diet!!!

Can you take a 30 day challenge and try cutting out DAIRY from your diet (or forever, if you’re daring)!  Scroll to the bottom of the page for many options of "dairy substitutes" that you will LOVE and, you might actually learn to never miss dairy again.  :)

Let's talk about hormones, hormones, hormones… not only the ones the cow naturally produces but the 16+ different variations the USDA has approved to pump into the cow to fatten her up so she can give us more milk and beef (did you know that the US approves the Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) injected in many cows, which is banned in Europe and Canada!).  I've included a link below that tells you all about it.

Did you know that if you simply cut dairy alone from your diet you could lose between 15-20 lbs. over the course of the year?  Why?  Cuz it’s pumped full of hormones!  Not to mention, cow’s milk was intended to help a baby calf grow to one ton in size in one year or less and we wonder why this nation is the most obese in the world.  It makes sense to give cow’s milk to a child that is still growing, but once we passed that stage we should have gotten over the “Got Milk?” phenomenon! 

If you, like billions of people around the globe, believe that milk/dairy is a necessity in our diet for Calcium, Vitamin D and/or to help "prevent Osteoporosis"..... well, I urge you to check out the following 2 links and, at bare minimum, really take some time to mull over the article from Dr. Kradjian!

If you are DARING enough to be open minded to forming your own opinions, then I urge you to take the time to thoroughly read this "milk letter" by Dr. Kradjian that dispells all the myths on why dairy is allegedly "good for us".  It's lengthy, but it will REALLY OPEN YOUR EYES!!! 

This great website has a million (I'm exaggerating of course) links on why we are sold a bill of goods by the "Got Milk" campaign.  Educate yourself on why we should avoid dairy in our daily diets at all costs by spending some time clicking on the various links on this website:

Still not convinced, check out the article below about BGH hormone I previously mentioned.  The website has some videos in it and also talks about “genetically modified foods ("GMOs").  We all need and have the RIGHT TO KNOW THE TRUTH, I’m just spreading that wealth.  You can choose to believe me or “take it for checking” and do your own research as well and figure out what truth works for you.  

Here's the link to the article re BGH and other hormones pumped in our cows (don't forget to watch the 2 videos re GMO foods):  

Unfortunately, our bodies were not intended to process all those hormones.  The good news is, there are MANY choices that still allow you to enjoy NON-DAIRY forms of milk, butter, cheese, yogurt and ice cream (keep scrolling down for my list of some of the many options out there).

BTW, here's one last link re a MD’s article on 6 reasons to avoid dairy:

TIP:  There are a gazillion substitute choices for milk, butter, cheese and even ice cream at your local Whole Foods (“WF”).  

Here's a few options to get you started (there are many more, just be open minded to experimenting)....

MILK SUBSTITUTES:  Try Almond Milk or Rice Milk as a nice milk substitute (skip the “Silk” brand or any “soy” variations as soy is a whole other topic of controversy…. it would be great if soy weren’t made here in the US, but since we live here and the way it’s processed is not very good for us, omit the soy or have very little of it, if possible). 

BUTTER SUBSTITUTES: Try a vegetable spread for your butter needs (make sure you read the label to check there’s no dairy in there).  There are even “butter sticks” you can find that are made of vegetable oils instead of diary.  Most of them taste great!!!!  Just experiment with the different brands.  But make sure you’re buying something made with vegetable oil not some manmade “margarine” that is even worse for our bodies than butter that comes from dairy.  I like the "Earth Balance" brand which has about 3-4 different options, each omitting a little more than the other.  I opt for the soy free option, but I admit the one with soy is a bit more buttery.

CHEESE SUBSTITUTES:  As for cheese, hmmmm, there are some great “almond cheese” choices at WF, my favorite being “almond jalapeno cheese” or "cheddar" but there’s mozzarella and others as well.  Dare to try a few different ones and see which one you might actually like.  ;)

ICE CREAM SUBSTITUTES:  And for ice cream, try a “coconut milk” based ice cream.  Yum, yum, yum…. my favorite is the “So Delicious” brand chocolate flavored (coconut milk) ice cream

YOGURT SUBSTITUTESAnd guess what, "So Delicious" now makes yogurt from coconut milk as well (I found many flavors at WF) and it truly is soooooooooo delicious!  Why not try some?

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you cut dairy out of your diet and that was the main source of your "calcium or Vitamin D", you should make sure that you are eating other foods that will give you the calcium and Vitamin D that your body needs.  Of course you can Google "how to get calcium in my diet without eating dairy" or something along those lines.

To give you a head start, check out this great article I found that has a chart of natural, non-diary foods you can eat that are full of calcium:

BTW, my next post will be on how to get Vitamin D the good old fashioned way.... through SUNSHINE and the bill of goods we've been sold on sunblock and the "sun being bad for us."  Why is it we're constantly lied to?  Oh yeah, I forgot.... for THEIR PROFIT!!!

#9 - Little tips to get you moving more!!!

1) Park your car further away from where you normally do so you have to get an extra block in or more of walking (I drove in today and found a lot 2 blocks away, so I parked there instead of in our building and got a couple blocks of walk time in - hey, every bit counts, as Kathy said).  THIS INCLUDES SUPER MARKETS and SHOPPING MALLS!

2) Do a couple of flights of stairs in your home.  I think all of us have at least one flight of stairs to get to the main door or inside the house or whatever.... so, take a few minutes to walk up and down the stairs (I haven't done that one in a long time).

3) Do some exercises while watching tv (situps, pushups (if you can do one, I can't), jumping jacks, riding the stationary bike, etc.)

4) Bust out the dusty copies of Tai Bo, Yoga, Pilates,.... etc. and take a few minutes to try to do some of the exercises on the dvd.

5) Take some time to actively play with your kids or your pets.  That counts!!!!

Just some little steps that are easy to do in our every day lives without hitting a gym or paying for a membership, by simply using our surroundings to enhance our longevity and vitality!!!

#8 - Try swapping portion sizes on your plate!

If you normally have a meal that fills your plate with 2 fistfuls of protein (meat/diary/nuts/beans/legumes/sprouts) and only about 1 fistful of veggies.... swap that!!! 

Make your veggies be 2 fistfuls and your protein only 1 fistful.  You still get full, believe me, but it's something we've forgotten to do........ EAT MORE VEGGIES!!!! 

TIP: This is a GREAT way to switch to buying more "organic" produce without seeing it emmensely hit your pocketbook at the check out stand.  If you buy less meat and swap the savings for organic veggies & fruits, you shouldn't see a big difference in your grocery bill!

(BTW, did you know we only need 1 fistful of protein for the entire day and most of us consume 1-2 fistfuls per sitting - hence 3-6 portions of protein a day - YIKES!.... yet we're supposed to eat 3-4 cups of veggies a day and most of us don't come close to eating even one)

PS Try steaming your veggies or, better yet, eating them raw instead of cooking all the nutrients out of them (and avoid slathering them with sauces by simply adding some natural herbs or spices for flavoring).  This small change can make a HUGE difference for your longevity and vitality in life!!!

#7 - Stop drinking liquid while eating food please, here's why....

Oh yes, this is such an easy step yet we all grew up drinking water or milk or soda or juice while eating our food. 

Believe it or not, by drinking any fluid while we eat, we are stopping the body’s ability to use it’s natural enzymes to break down the food and transport the nutrients to the rest of our body. 

So in essence, we’ve basically “washed away” the nutrients by drinking while eating.  So, try to drink 15-20 min. (ideally, 30 min.) before or after the meal, but not during!  

This takes some adjustment and a bit of mind over matter, but before you know it, you will be doing it without thinking.  And the myth that we need liquid to wash down our food is just that, a myth.  The mouth will secrete juices and the body will kick the enzymes in gear to digest the food if you just give it a chance to.  This little shift in mindset can make a HUGE difference to your body.  The catch is, we still need to find the time to drink the proper amount of water for our bodies every day and plan around the time frame of when we eat, but with a little "E" for effort, we can do it and see a big change in how our body works!  You can check out my post #5 to see how you can calculate how much water you should be drinking daily for your body weight.

Since I always like to give you info. that backs up what I am sharing, take it for checking by reading this article on why drinking while eating is not good for our bodies:

#6 - FIND A SPRING near you & get FREE water!!!!

Here’s a GREAT article that explains all the DIFFERENT WATER CHOICES WE HAVE, so we can understand in layman terms how they are processed and/or made available to us:

Then, as the article suggests, go to this website to find springs near you that you can go to and get FREE SPRING water and take it home with you:
At first I was a little confused about how to use the “Find A Spring” website, but it’s quite easy.  Simply use the plus button to enlarge the map and then manuever with the arrows whatever direction you need to find the spring(s) nearest you.  Once you find one, click on the thumptack on the map and then click on “see full listing” and it will tell you the closest coordinates that help you find this spring!  WATER FOR FREE that is HEALTHY FOR YOU, go figure!  But as the website says, check the water before using it.  I suggest Googling that specific spring to see if anyone has posted anything about it.  Or, get a PH testing kit and do a little research on how you test water and what you need to know to know if it is healthy or not.  Sure, a little effort upfront, but wouldn’t you love an “E” for effort when your vitalicizing (yes, just made up my own word) your body while properly hydrating it with water that actually is good for you and does what water should do for your body!!!!

Can you believe it?  And here we are spending all this money on "bottled water" and of course, sold a bill of goods that it's "good for us" when really, the plastic it's been bottled in is BAD, bad, bad for us.... and yet, we could get our own GLASS jugs and thake them to a SPRING near by and get WATER FOR FREE!!! (I go once every 2 weeks and pump 10 gallons of water into my two 5-gallon jugs..... free, delicious, clean, metal-free, flouride-free HEALTHY WATER)!!!

What a great way to hydrate our bodies with one of five most important things we need to survive: water, air, minerals, sun and food!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

#5 - THE BENEFITS OF WATER…. are we “hydrating” enough?

Don't forget to HYDRATE!!!!  It’s one of the easiest ways to keep your body healthy and to HELP YOU WITH YOUR WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY, if like most of us, you still have some pounds to lose. 

And even if you don't need to lose weight, your body NEEDS a proper amount of WATER EVERY DAY!  So how much DO we need, you ask?

Even if we are not actively exercising, our body still requires one ounce of water for every 2 lbs. of body weight.

Any easy way to calculate the glasses of water per day we should be drinking is:

Take your current body weight
divide it by 2
then take that number
and divide it by 8 to get the total cups of water you should drink in a day (why 8, cuz there are 8 ounces in 1 cup)

BTW, did you know that drinking natural “spring water” is the best option for our bodies.  But, here’s the catch…. bottled water in plastic bottles is NOT good for us.  Once that plastic bottle heats up, it transfers portions of that plastic into the water we drink.  YUCK!  So, what’s the answer? 

Not convinced, then read this great article that gives you more info. on how plastic is effecting our bodies (not just with bottled water btw, you should think twice about storing food in plastic containers that you then reheat in the microwave.... I say buy "pyrex" glass containers and store your food in those.... the lids are plastic, but the bowls are glass, when reheating, remove the lid and viola no transference of plastic into your food which ultimately goes into your body.... food for thought!!!).  Here's the great article:
If you can, find a “natural spring” near your home, buy some glass jugs and take them with you, and fill up on all the FREE natural spring water you can get your little hands on and be a very happy you! Go to: to find springs near you! This is such a great topic, so I decided to make a separate post!!! SEE POST #6 for more info. on how to find a spring near you and get FREE, healthy spring water!!!!

Ok, if that’s not an option, then simply opt for “carbon filtering”.  Use a Britta or PUR filter to filter that nasty tap water AND then add a little bit of Himalayan Salt Water mix to your water (see my post #2 for two options of how you can add Himalayan Salt to your water).  You don’t have to put enough in to make it salty, but just enough that it is actively reviving your water. 
Yes, water’s natural state can and has been altered by man as well!  What hasn’t?  Even the air we breath!  Argh!

Viola, on your way to a healthier, more vital you!!!!

#4 - Eight Ways Soda Fizzles Your Health!!!!

Replace that soda can with a glass of water! 
I have a friend who did an experiment in h.s.  They had to take a human baby tooth and pour soda pop on it every day.  Guess how long it took for the tooth to complete dissolve into oblivion?  Less than one week!  Think of all the damage that soda is doing to your body.  Not to mention, if you drink “diet” sodas, the “sugar substitute” they use is truly deadly. 
Still not convinced, take it for checking by reading this article:  

#3 - Recipe: "Massaged" red chard wrap (all RAW/VEGAN).... YUMMY!!!!

“Massaged” red chard wrap

6 red chard leaves (can sub with any other chard or kale)
1 cucumber
3 carrots
1 bell pepper (preferably red, yellow or orange)
1/4 red onion
1/2 cup cilantro
1 cup hummus
1 lemon
1 teaspoon salt (preferably ground “Himalayan salt” from WF (it has 84 minerals our body needs), if not, a back up choice would be ground “sea salt” (albeit it’s full of all sorts of crap from the ocean), but whatever you do, ditch the “table salt”)

TIP:  You can mix this recipe up however you like even adding chix (if you must, try organic) and rice and beans or any other types of veggies you like.  Also, when picking your veggies, whenever possible, consider buying organic so you avoid all those pesticides our body doesn’t know how to process.  If you live close to heart of Chicago, check out Stanley’s Fruit Marketon North Ave. (and Elston) right off the Kennedy (at least 1/3 of the store is organic fruits and veggies for 1/4 the price of Whole Foods!!!!)  Oh yeah, big difference in the pocketbook and worth a little extra drive).  Thereafter, a few blocks further down
North Ave.
you can go to the new WF mega-store and get any other organic goodies you couldn’t find at Stanley’s.


Step 1 (inspiration):  If you’re like me, you love music.  So, why not turn on your favorite radio station, cd or ipod and crank up your favorite tunes WHILE preparing your meal.  It puts you in a good mood and your good energy is transferred into the food you are about to eat!!!  You’ll enjoy the food that much more when you’re done, believe me!  And if you’re daring, “shake your groove thing” while prepping the food…. it’s extra movement, it’s fun AND it’s extra minutes you can report for the team!

Step 2 (“massaging” your chard or kale):  Take the leaves you are going to use and cut off the stems.  Then rinse them all (you can place in a salad spinner for a good rinse) and then shake them dry and lay out next to each other.

Now, sprinkle some Himalayan salt (it does not take a lot, so don’t over-salt) over all the leaves.

Take your fingers and gently massage the salt into the leaf.  You’ll know if your applying too much pressure if you start tearing up the leaves.

Then flip the leaves over and sprinkle the back side and massage the back side as well.  You can then flip back to the front and give it one more rub if you like (but don’t add any more salt).

Place back in spinner and rinse again.  Then omit any water from the spinner, shake the leaves to remove excess water and then leave in spinner to dry out while preparing the rest of your ingredients.

Step 3 (prepping the filling):  Take a cucumber, cut it in half and then slice long pieces (lengthwise) and set aside (tip, if you leave the skin on the cucumber, you will keep the majority of it’s vitamins).

Take your carrots and peel off the dirty skin with a potato peeler and toss away.  Then, continue to peel the carrots till you have a bunch of nice super thin slices to place in your wrap (of course, you can’t peel the entire carrot this way, so go ahead and munch on the remainder of the carrots as a snack while you’re preparing the rest of your veggies).

Take your bell pepper, remove the stem and then slice it in long pieces.

Take your red onion, remove the skin and stems and then dice it up into small pieces.

Take a bunch of cilantro and finely chop up (you can leave the stems if you like, but know they are a little crunchy).

Step 4 (filing the leaves, wrapping and cutting them):  Take your leaves out of the spinner now.  I bet you will be surprised to see how much they have relaxed after their nice massage and water baths.  They won’t be flimsy but they won’t be super tough either (nor bitter for that matter, YEAH!!!) 

Take one leaf at a time and place it on a plate.  It’s easier to wrap and cut this way since you won’t have to transport it to the plate if you prep elsewhere and then risk it all falling apart. 

Place all the following ingredients lengthwise on your leaf:  Take your hummus and spread generously (about a tbl. per leaf) over the top of your leaf.  Now lay down your cucumber, carrots and bell pepper slices in the middle of the leaf.  Then add your onions and cilantro and squeeze some fresh lemon juice on top (you may want to juice separately to remove the seeds).  If you are choosing to add any of your own ingredients or substitute any of the ones I listed, you can add them to the wrap now.  Just make sure you don’t over stuff so the leaf can wrap around all your goodies.

Now, simply cut it up into bite size pieces and enjoy!  Don’t forget to smile and say “hmmmm” while eating!!!!  BTW, you can wrap your plate up with plastic wrap and leave the leftovers for another day (will stay about 1-2 days if sealed well).

A few great alternatives and/or additives for this recipe also include (possibilities are endless):

1) Add avocado (yummy, great natural fat, good source of protein, and, guess what it's a "SUPER FOOD" just like Chard is, so you get a double pay out if you add this nice fruit to your wrap).

2) Substitute "miso" for your hummus (Whole Foods has miso made from soy.... if you're like me and try to not overload on soy (will talk about that topic in a separate post), then you can find miso made from "chix peas" (you'd probably have to find that online..... let me see if I can grab a link).  Tada, gotta love google:

3) You can use "Nori" (that's the seaweed paper used to wrap "sushi" or "maki" in) instead of Chard (but a little disclaimer right now: be cautious WHERE any sea vegetables you buy are coming from since Fukushima dumped all that radioactivity into our Pacific Ocean, that body of water is contaminated and so is anything coming from Japan - rule of thumb, if you can't figure out where the sea vegetable came from, then don't purchase it).... but anyway, Nori is sooooo yummy (in fact, I will post a separate recipe for "Nori rolls w/nut pate".  Speaking of.....

4) You can also sub out the hummus or the miso for a homemade "nut pate" (I will post a separate entry on how to make it at home (so easy and so yummy and soooooooooo good for you and full of protein and calcium, yeah!!!).  You can also Google or go on YouTube for recipes on nut pates, they are plentiful!

NOTE:  If you come up with some other great variations, please feel free to post them here for all of us to see and experiment with as well!

My instructions were detailed, but it is a very simple thing to prepare.  Just look at the pics and see!

Bon appetite!!!

PS Here's a link to my online demonstration of how to put the wraps together (use collard greens, chard, kale or nori for your actual wrap):

#2 - Table Salt vs. Sea Salt vs. Himalayan "pink" Salt

Table salt ("refined salt") - no offense to the brand name we all know with the cute little girl and her umbrella that's been around for nearly a century, but this stuff is crap!  If you haven't done your research already and didn't know it to be true, "table salt/refined salt" is devoid of all natural minerals salt should possess and it so over-processed by man (bleached, etc.).  The refining process used for table salt "eliminates all of salt's life-sustaining properties and insures it won't go rancid".... hence why it has no expiration or shelf life. 

FactsDid you know that salt is supposed to be full of minerals that our body thrives on?  Well, considering that the soil the US grows it's fruits and veggies in is nearly devoid of all minerals, hence we are not getting them through our fruits and veggies, we have to find other sources to get the minerals our bodies so desperately need on a daily basis such as: "sodium, chloride, potassium, and magnesium" which "are vital for life."  So what is that source, you ask?  ANSWER: Unrefined salt (ie- Himalayan "pink" salt).

"And not surprisingly, those with chronic illness are often more mineral deficient than those who are comparatively well."

"Salt is as important to life as is oxygen and water.  In fact, salt and water work together to do important work in your body, including stimulating your metabolism, helping you detoxify, and making sure your nerves, hormones and immune system function properly."

To find out more re the quotes from Dr. David Brownstein that I used above, check out this website:

Here's a great blog entry that gives more specifics on why "table salt is really bad for you."  While it does say that "French celtic sea salt" is the answer, I'm not sure about that as I haven't heard it mentioned at all in the holistic and homeopathic community, but I won't discount that it might be a true unrefined source of salt you can gain access to on the internet through this website.  Either way, the blog is definitely worth reading:

TipYou can do your own research too by Googling: "why is table salt bad for you" or anything along those lines and reading all the various links out there.

Check out this great chart on the Crystalline comparison of table salt vs. sea salt vs. Himalayn salt:

So why choose Himalayan "pink" salt???  Because it has all 84 minerals in it that are the basic elements found in our body that help us to thrive and live a life full of vitality.  In essence, minerals energize us and balance our bodies.  This website gives a list of benefits Himalayan salt gives our bodies.  They also, are promoting that they have found the purest form of this salt that they are importing directly from Nepal.  I cannot tell you whether or not this is true, but my gut would say, if it came directly from Nepal, it should be amazing Himalayan salt.  Check out this article for more information:

Good news: Now the word is out, believe it or not, you CAN find Himalayan "pink" salt at your local Whole Foods.  They have ground and rock form.

So how can we incorporate this salt in our daily diets and reap the benefits of all 84 of its minerals? 

Buy some "ground" Himalayan salt from your local Whole Foods and add it to the food you cook and/or on top of your salad, greens, avocado (hmmmm, delish) or any other way you like to add salt to your daily diet.

Take a teaspoon of Himalayan salt and add it to a cup of room temperature water and drink it FIRST THING IN THE MORNING at least 15 minutes before you drink or eat anything else.  You actually have two choices on how you can do this:

A) buy the "large rock" form of the Himalayan salt (usually in a glass jar containing a little metal grater).  Remove that grater and toss it.  Metal attracts minerals, so for purposes of your morning salt water drink, you should not put metal in the salt water at all.  So, toss the grater and then fill the glass jar up with filtered or spring water, close the lid and let it sit on a shelf in room temperature.  Then, on a daily basis, take either a plastic or wooden spoon (remember, do not use metal) and mix the salt/water jar up before scooping out a few teaspoons into a clean glass of filtered or spring water (use enough to make the water taste salty, but not enough that you can't stand it), then mix up the salt water glass you just made and swig it down.  Put away your main jar that contains the actual rock salts and use it again the next day and the next day, it will last a long time.

B) buy the "ground" salt form and/or "small rock" form of Himalayan salt and scoop out a teaspoon of ground salt and place it in a glass of clean filtered or spring water and then stir with plastic or wooden spoon once right when you add it to your water and then again a few minutes later, then drink immediately thereafter (do not use a metal spoon as it will attract the minerals and that defeats the purpose of your salt water drink).  Drink this first thing in the morning at least 15 min. prior to eating or drinking anything else.  TIP: If a teaspoon is too salty for you, start out with 1/2 a teaspoon and work your way up to a full teaspoon.  NOTE: You will see some granuals of salt at the bottom of the glass, but go ahead and drink it within 2-3 min. max. of adding the salt to the water (if you wait longer than that it will get VERY salty).

ULTIMATELY, if you make a glass of "Himalayan salt water" mix and drink it every morning on a daily basis, you will be energizing your body every day and giving it all 84 minerals that it is so desperately wanting but not finding in other sources of our food thanks to man over-processing everything it can get it's hands on.  Thankfully, Himalayan salt is still in it's natural state.  Sure, it costs more, but is there a price tag for your life?  It's as important as oxygen and water, don't forget that ever!!!!!

Still not convinced, take it for checking by reading this great article on "sea salt" vs. "Himalayan Salt":


BTW, my friend just brought up a great question..... can you use salt in your diet if you have high blood pressure??? 

The answer is yes!.... and no! 
Yes, you can have Himalayan salt and no, you cannot have table salt.

See the link below for some amazing articles I found on Google that will explain why!  In a nutshell, it's because table salt is over processed crap made by man which leaves it devoid of all it's minerals and any structure that is healthy for our body whereas Himalayan salt, thankfully, has not been tainted by man and has 84 minerals that are actually good for our bodies, hence, they will not affect blood pressure and actually, some of the articles confirm that it can actually help lower high blood pressure and converserly, higher low blood pressure!  How phenomenal is that!!!!!

Check it out at:

#1 - Use common sense when making life changing decisions! :)

DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor and will not suggest that you take any of my tips in my blog as giving medical advise that should surpass advise directly from a holistic doctor, homeopathic doctor, OBGYN, MD, physician, internist or any other medical “expert”.  But I WILL share LOTS of information that I have learned directly from MY homeopathic doctor and will share LOTS of links to back up the facts that I am sharing with you. 
PLEASE REMEMBER: IF YOU HAVE ANY SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUES, THEN PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE MAKING ANY DRASTIC DIETARY CHANGES.  Of course, like anything, Google is our best friend AND common sense goes a long way when deciding what is something easy to implement that will enhance your diet and/or something  that we can easily omit from our diet as a bad food choice without needing to run to a doctor for consultation, but when in doubt, ask OR Google! 
NOTE: When omitting meat (beef, chicken, fish, etc.) and/or diary (cow’s: milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, etc), you should do your research and/or consult with a doctor on what other food choices you should make that will give you the proper balance of protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin D and other nutrients that you might miss if, and only if, you don’t properly balance your diet with other natural food choices that are not meat and/or diary based.  The key to any diet is balance!